In the summer of 2003, having taken part in a tender, Hüttingerwas awarded the contract for completing the interiorfurnishings, including AV equipment, fabricating hands-on modeis, and planning and implementing an interactive exhibition. The visitors are given an understanding of the secrets of the „wild“ nature. In a tour lasting 90 minutes, the visitors are taken from the Cretaceous period - 69,000,000 years ago - past a real iceberg, which can be experienced with all one's senses. After the glaciers had melted away, a landscape was formed that is characteristic of the national park - with its unique flora and fauna - on the peninsula to this day. Staged in a fascinating way and told intermingled with myths, visitors expierence things worth knowing in the individual rooms. In particularfamilies with children can have quite a few experiences. The mascots „mouse“ and „raven“ are designed especially for children giving them information suitable forthis age group and fostering, thus, an awareness of the natural environment in the Coming generations.
in cooperation with: Impuls