Knowledge Database
In 2010 we began the construction of our WIKI database of knowledge. This was started with a
simple idea in mind, how can we as a company share information with not just each other but clients in a way that is easy, quick and effective? With this in mind we began the creation of our database.
More than 12,000 exhibits have been collected and improved so that our clients can profit from a huge set of experiences in all stages of exhibit development.
We use our WIKI for many applications internally. Management of projects, sharing of ideas and cataloguing processes to name a few. One main use for this database is to manage data in projects to ensure that all information is readily available to all involved. Another main use for this is to work as a tool in ideation of creation of new projects and value engineering.
With the help of our database we can find the best exhibits for any kind of contents within very short time.
Selection of exhibits for a new exhibition can be a daunting task for any institution. When clients approach us with an idea, we open our database for them making this task tremendously less difficult. A collection of hundreds of thousands of interactive experiences that have been seen, thought of, fabricated or quoted for inspire us in our work. We are open to share this knowledge and if a client gives us any kind of topic, we can come up with plenty of possibilities within very short time.
This, together with the records of our prototypes and formative evaluations helps us to avoid failures and re-inventions and to focus our creative resources on the improvement of ideas and innovative concepts which serve to the uniqueness of exhibitions. Ultimately our clients will profit from our increasing learning curve by saving time, money and trouble.