KraftVerket (lit. Power Plant) is a several meters large thingamajig. It goes on and on and on – as long as you keep the ball moving. Work together at different stations and follow the ball's winding journey through the machine, up and down and here and there. At the same time, you explore the mechanisms of five simple machines and how they work together in a technical system in a clever and exciting way. Can you get the ball to make its way all around the KraftVerket? The golden rule of mechanics "whatever is lost in force, it is gained in displacement, and vice versa" plays a central part when the KraftVerket gets going, just like in several other places in the exhibition Forces & Movement at Tom Tits Experiment. We had the pleasure to conzeptualize, develop and manufacture the KraftVerket.
Tom Tits Experiment
A reference from the category
Science Centers