In April 2010, Hüttinger was awarded the contract to develop an implementation concept for the design of visitors centres at eight hydro-electric power plant locations.The four key power plants are: Silz, Kaunertal, Achensee and Amlach as well as the four hydro-electric power plants: Imst, Kirchbichl, Langenkampfen and Kühtai.
Within the context of the project Company and Power PlantPresentation, various premises of TIWAG and infrastructure facilities in the power plants, including those for visitor routing, have been upgraded and modernized. The premises will, thus, meet the communication requirements of a modern infrastructure group, showcasing the company, conveying fundamental principles of hydro-electric power as well as facts relating to the power industry and presenting the power plant location.
Within this first phase of the project, the Infopoint Gepatsch, the visitor centre Silz, a tour through the hydro-electric power plant Silz, and the visitor centre KühtaI were conceptualized, developed and built.
TIWAG-Tiroler Wasserkraft AG, Austria
A reference from the category
Product Presentations