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The Adler Planetarium

A reference from the category Museums & Planetariums

Other Worlds

Other Worlds, the Adler’s newest permanent exhibition explores planetary bodies throughout the universe from the familiar to the extreme including gas giants, ice giants, super Earths, rocky worlds and more. Interactive elements of Other Worlds allow guests to literally feel like they are standing on another world in the “Walking on Other Worlds” immersive visualization experience. Guests can create and manipulate different types of planetary systems in the Stellar Playground, climb on a gas giant planet embedded in the floor, and discover some of the technology used to learn about planets near and far with telescope activities, models of the Mars Exploration Rovers, Mars Ingenuity helicopter and Adler’s own Aquarius Project sled, which shows how young scientists found meteorites in Lake Michigan. We had the pleasure to design and fabricate the Measuring starlight reveals planets and What is "The Goldilocks Zone"? exhibits for this amazing gallery.