In September 2005, in response to an European call for tenders, we won the contract for the design, engineering and fabrication of the children’s gallery Life Zone!. The lively, interactive exhibition, designed for children under 11 years to explore how the human body works, with an emphasis on how we can keep our amazing bodies healthy was officially opened to the public in February 2006.
The new Life Zone!: A lively, interactive exhibition to explore how the human body works, with an emphasis on how we can keep our amazing bodies healthy. The exhibitions allow young children to learn through a series of interactive themed areas finding out about themselves, they can get to grips with giant body parts and step inside the body for a fun way to explore their bodily functions. With our design we want to meet the goals for visitor experiences and develop a rich exploratory environment for young children to help them to expand their vocabulary, their creativity and imagination. The exhibitions support discovery and exploration. But, above all, the exhibition is a playful learning environment for children, which they and their parents will enjoy.
Thackray Museum, Leeds
A reference from the category
Science Centers