In November 2002, within the context of a European-wide tender, Hüttinger together with their partner Claus Lämmle were awarded the contract to devise an interactive exhibition for the Kleinwalsertal valley in Hirschegg. The contract covered conceptional design and fabrication.
The so-called ‘luminous path’ with impressive and evocative photographs of the Kleinwalsertal mountains marks the start of the exhibition. The entrance to the Bergschau actually starts with the apris, an original cut stone of impressive size. This stone was extracted specifically for the exhibition and worked by a stonemason. By means of light and sound, the visitor is put into the right mood for the central object at the entrance: An original fireplace, let into a walk-in floor display area. This fireplace is more than 6000 years old. It was found by chance during excavations carried out in the region of the Schneiderkürenalp mountain pasture, about 300 m above Hirschegg. The exhibition after the camp fire site is divided into two essential parts by a ‘volute-shaped rock assembly’. On the right-hand side, the topic geology is communicated, on the left-hand side - the theme ‘How the valley was settled’ is conveyed. Inside this volute-shaped rock assembly, visitors are provided with interesting information about mountain flora and fauna. On a separate wall, past and present changes are shown, the idea being to create an awareness of the mountains. The pictures projected onto the glass panel set the scene for the exhibition, starting with the ancient hunter and proceeding all the way to the modern tourist.
Kleinwalsertaler FremdenverkehrsBeteiligungs GmbH & Co. KG
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Product Presentations