A box. A button. Press it – and the show begins. Puppets, driven by an automatic mechanism, in short comic-like sequences, present important stages in the life of the late mediaeval Emperor Charles IV. The delicate puppets and scenery created by Susanne Jacob are reminiscent of the famous soft style of the late Gothic era, and at the same time of modern French comics. This is the third time (after “Dürer” and “Wagner”) that the team around director, Frieder Zimmermann, has produced a 9-minute short play for mechanical theatre. The brief is: the play has to be historically correct, it needs to have a link to the present, and – as all good Punch-and-Judy-shows – it may also provoke. So curtain up for the exciting life of Charles IV, for a power play about life and death! The location: Europe and … Nuremberg!
Idea and sound: Frieder Zimmermann
Text: Tanja Mette-Zimmermann, Dr. Reiner Zimmermann
Stage and figures: Susanne Jacob
Speakers: Martin Ellrodt, Hans Grasser, Heiki Ikkola, Boris Schwiebert
Translation: Chris Abbey, Dan Wesker
Music: Frieder Zimmermann, Ron Andrico & Donna Stewart
Production: Quohren MPG
Manufacturing: Hüttinger Interactive Exhibitions