Having provided Consulting Services in the conceptual and planning phase, Hüttinger was awarded a contract for the detailed and fabrication planning, the fabrication and the assembly of the Bowls of the Senses and the entire evaluation System in spring 2001. After the official opening by Michael Schanze, who had taken on the partner-ship, the Mobile Kids Tour can be experienced in most of the German cities.
In an area of approx. 800 m2, DaimlerChrysler makes it possible for children to experience traffic safety in vari-ous action modules, road traffic education being introduced in Germany for the first time in the context of an ambitious „theme park“ that can be experienced with the senses. In the Bowl of the Senses „Speed“, scooters are installed. Whenever dangerous situations arise in the film pro-jected onto the interior wall of the Bowl, the children are required to brake. Contacts on the footbrakes record, whether the children reacted correctly. In the Bowl of the Senses „Environment“, the children sit on tandems and pay attention to pictures that are projected one after the other onto its interior wall. If the pictures have something to do with the traffic Situation, they must press quickly the left-hand or the right-hand control switch on the handle bar, depending on the side at which the picture was shown. In the Bowl of the Senses „Signs“, the children play against each other in pairs. Here, like in the game of Memory, they must find cards that go together. The pictures on these cards are, however, not identical pictures. These are traffic signs, which must be attributed to the respective situations. A three minute trip, resembling a radio play, can be experienced in the Bowl of the Senses „Noises“. Acoustic phenomena occur, which have to be attributed to icon control switches. A film "containing mistakes“, which is controlled by an animations Organizer, is projected onto the screen of the spherical cinema. The aim of the game is to give the children the pedagogically very effective opportunity to recognize faulty actions of other children. The points scored are collected on magnetic cards in all playing stations, which are evaluated at the exit. The best children of the day and the city winner can be looked up on the Internet.
Daimler AG
A reference from the category
Children's Museums & Parks