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A reference from the category Science Centers

Concept, Design and Fabrication

Since the Summer of 2023, our team has slowly but steadily envisioned an idea of how amazing it could be if there was a way to design a gallery that empowers, maintains and even enhances mental agility through immersive and innovative brain workouts - just like a ‚gym for the brain‘. Since the Fall 2024, the idea now being a reality, BrainGymAI had its first display at the Deutsches Museum Nürnberg. This exhibition has the potential to revolutionize a training philosophy targeting brain health, with cutting-edge training stations that harness the power of advanced algorithms to supercharge cognitive abilities. BrainGymAI is designed to target key areas of cognitive function, including memory, reaction time and balance. With each session neural connections get strengthened, thinking skills sharpen, and the full potential of the mind gets unlocked.

The Hüttinger-made off the shelf BrainGymAI is available for immediate purchase and delivery at